Dr. Michaela Kümpel

Research Staff

Tel: –49 -421 218 64021
Fax: –49 -421 218 64047
Room: TAB 1.79
Mail: michaela[dot]kuempel(at)cs[dot]uni-bremen[dot]de

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the IAI, where I work on making Web knowledge actionable for agent applications. From 2020 to 2024 I was a PhD student of the IAI group under supervision of Prof. Michael Beetz. My research focused on creating actionable knowledge graphs, i.e. creating knowledge graphs from Web information and grounding the contained knowledge in the real world to make it actionable for users, and robots. I joined the team of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence in 2017 as a research associate and to get a specialised Master degree in the area of AI. Previously, I received a degree as Master of Science in Management Information Systems at the University of South Florida, US where I specialised in statistics and data mining as well after receiving my Bachelor of Science in Information Systems at the University of Osnabrueck, Germany.

I'm also a mother of three and part of the women's representative collective of the computer science department (Frauenbeauftragtenkollektiv des FB3).

My main research interests are
- Web Information Extraction, Knowledge acquisition and processing
- Knowledge Representation using Knowledge Graphs, the Semantic Web, Linked Open Data and connecting it to the KnowRob knowledge processing framework
- Task Parameterisation for flexible action execution on robots
- AR applications. I am developing HoloLens and Smartphone applications in different environments to showcase the use of web-based knowledge sources
- Machine Learning and Data Mining


Abstract– This Thesis proposes a five-step methodology for creating actionable knowledge graphs that follows existing knowledge engineering standards but links object knowledge to environment and action knowledge to enable various applications in daily environments, on different agents. The methodology is exemplary applied in two scenarios with different foci to create a product knowledge graph and a food cutting knowledge graph. The product knowledge graph aims at enabling omni-channel applications in unknown environments. It therefore contains product-related knowledge that is used by different agents such as smartphone, smart glass and robot, which aim at providing shopping assistance in a retail store. In order to provide user assistance like routing a customer to a searched product on different devices such as robot or smartphone, this scenario focuses on accessing relevant Web knowledge about products in a retail store that is linked to precise, reliable and agent-independent environment information. The food cutting knowledge graph aims at enabling robots to execute task variations of cutting actions. Here, the idea is to access Web knowledge to enable a robot to autonomously perform a range of cutting tasks. Therefore, this scenario focuses on how object information can influence action execution, how the needed knowledge can be acquired from the Web and how it can be modelled in a knowledge graph in such a way that a robot can use it to execute tasks. The methodology is validated by showcasing various applications that are enabled by the two exemplary knowledge graphs. The applications range from smartphone applications for shopping assistance that highlight interesting product features or route to a searched product over smart glass applications like shopping assistance and a recipe application to robot applications for shopping assistance and execution of cutting task variations on different fruits and vegetables.




Journal Articles and Book Chapters
[1]Kümpel, Michaela and Mueller, Christian A. and Beetz, Michael, "Semantic Digital Twins for Retail Logistics", Chapter in Dynamics in Logistics: Twenty-Five Years of Interdisciplinary Logistics Research in Bremen, Germany, Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 129–153, 2021. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Conference Papers
[2]Dhanabalachandran, Kaviya, Hassouna, Vanessa, Hedblom, Maria M., Kümpel, Michaela, Leusmann, Nils and Beetz, Michael, "Cutting Events: Towards Autonomous Plan Adaption by Robotic Agents through Image-Schematic Event Segmentation", In Proceedings of the 11th on Knowledge Capture Conference, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, pp. 25–32, 2021. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[3]Krieg-Brückner, Bernd, Nolte, Mark Robin, Pomarlan, Mihai and Kümpel, Michaela, "The Downgrading Axioms Challenge for Qualitative Composition of Food Ingredients", In SemREC 2022, 2nd Semantic Reasoning Evaluation Challenge 2022, vol. 3337, pp. 6-15, 2022. [bibtex] [pdf]
[4]Michaela Kümpel, Jonas Dech, Alina Hawkin and Michael Beetz, "Robotic Shopping Assistance for Everyone: Dynamic Query Generation on a Semantic Digital Twin as a Basis for Autonomous Shopping Assistance", In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2023), London, United Kingdom, pp. 2523–2525, 2023. [bibtex] [pdf]
[5]Kümpel, Michaela and Beetz, Michael, "ProductKG: A Product Knowledge Graph for User Assistance in Daily Activities", In Ontology Showcase and Demonstrations Track, co-located with FOIS 2023, 19-20 July, 2023, vol. 3637, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada, 2023. [bibtex] [pdf]
[6]Kümpel, Michaela, Töberg, Jan-Phillip, Hassouna, Vanessa, Cimiano, Phillip and Beetz, Michael, "Towards a Knowledge Engineering Methodology for Flexible Robot Manipulation in Everyday Tasks", In Actionable Knowledge Representation and Reasoning for Robots (AKR$^$3) at European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), 2024. in press [bibtex]
[7]Niedzwiecki, A., Jongebloed, S., Zhan, Y., Kümpel, M., Syrbe, J., Beetz, M., "Cloud-based Digital Twin for Cognitive Robotics", In IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) 2024, 2024. [bibtex]
[8]Syrbe, J., Rümenapp, T., Wenzl, P., Kümpel, M., Beetz, M., Niedzwiecki, A., "Interactive E-Learning Environment for Cognitive Robotics", In IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) 2024, 2024. [bibtex]
Workshop Papers
[9]Kümpel, Michaela, de Groot, Anna, Tiddi, Ilaria and Beetz, Michael, "Using Linked Data to Help Robots Understand Product-related Actions", In JOWO 2020, The Joint Ontology Workshops, vol. 2708, 2020. [bibtex] [pdf]
[10]Kümpel, M., Dech, J., Hawkin, A. and Beetz, Michael, "Evaluation of Autonomous Shopping Assistants Using Semantic Digital Twin Stores", In AIC'23: 9th workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition, 2023. [bibtex]
[11]Kümpel, M., Buchinger, M., Sellami, M., Balta, D. and Beetz, Michael, "Trust, But Verify: Towards Trustworthiness in Digital Assistants Based on Verifiable Claims in Knowledge Graphs", In AIC'23: 9th workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition, 2023. [bibtex]
Other Publications
[12]Michaela Kümpel and Michael Beetz, "Realizing Trustworthiness in Linked Data Applications Based on Individual Data Source Trust Assessment.", 2021. [bibtex] [pdf]

Supervised Theses






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